
We’re here to transform our research into your revenue. Whatever your struggles, we’ve been there.

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Strategic Fundraising Consulting  

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Market Research & Data Science

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Transforming research into revenue

Empowering nonprofit organizations for a better world

We maximize the impact of nonprofits and museums by driving higher fundraising and ticket sales. Leveraging advanced data science, proven market research methods, and expert insights, we help you improve retention, increase giving amounts, and attract new donors or a cost tailored to fit nonprofit budgets.

Like you, we are committed to making the world better. Our mission is to empower organizations committed to positive impact by delivering effective, revenue-boosting strategies grounded in essential metrics and insights.

Without healthy revenue streams, you can’t fulfill your nonprofit's mission.

We know the challenges you face, whether it be…

Seasonality in revenue

Your revenue slows to a crawl during certain months of the year putting a major strain on cash flow.

Ticket sales are below forecast

People just aren’t walking through your museum's doors. You’ve tried different promotions and marketing strategies, but nothing’s working.

Donors aren’t donating

Times are uncertain and existing donors are tightening their purse strings. You’re concerned this trend will persist.

Our process works


Average increase in donations
within 6-12 months


Average increase in museum ticket sales within 6-12 months


Data points analyzed


Increase in mission support

It’s more than market research.

Finding answers to your fundraising and revenue challenges begins with data analysis and in-depth qualitative or quantitative research, but it doesn’t end there. The real value comes from applying our experienced insights and seeing your results.

It’s knowing what to do with the research.

Schedule Your Consultation


Aileen Fuchs

President & Executive Director

National Building Museum

"Data For The Better’s report allowed us to have a better understanding of the local DC museum landscape and more importantly identify and capitalize on new opportunities."

"Data For The Better’s report allowed us to have a better understanding of the local DC museum landscape and more importantly identify and capitalize on new opportunities."

Michael Frazier

Executive Vice President and Deputy Director for External Affairs

911 Memorial & Museum

“The research helped the organization avoid stumbling blocks, make good business decisions and informed investments. Partner with Data For The Better if you want to achieve your business objectives.”

“The research helped the organization avoid stumbling blocks, make good business decisions and informed investments. Partner with Data For The Better if you want to achieve your business objectives.”

Shanell Bryan

Creative Services Director

America 250

“Their report was critical to better understanding who our key donor segments were and how best to both message and target them. Based on their recommendations our donations saw a significant increase."

“Their report was critical to better understanding who our key donor segments were and how best to both message and target them. Based on their recommendations our donations saw a significant increase."

Linda Butler

Director of Marketing,

Communications & Visitor Experience

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco

“Our work with Data For The Better allowed us to better understand Bay Area audiences and tailor our marketing strategies to be more effective during a post-pandemic recovery period.”

“Our work with Data For The Better allowed us to better understand Bay Area audiences and tailor our marketing strategies to be more effective during a post-pandemic recovery period.”

Laura Washington

Chief Communications Officer

New York Historical Society

"Data For The Better’s expertise offered a pathway for optimizing our email outreach, enhancing our engagement rates, and opening doors to untapped opportunities."

"Data For The Better’s expertise offered a pathway for optimizing our email outreach, enhancing our engagement rates, and opening doors to untapped opportunities."

Jason Linde

Senior Vice President,


Food Allergy Research & Education

“We are grateful for the research done on our behalf as it helped FARE broaden and grow its support among key demographic groups.”

“We are grateful for the research done on our behalf as it helped FARE broaden and grow its support among key demographic groups.”

Research to Revenue Services for...



Case Studies

How a few key data points applied effectively can change everything